ISO Latin 1 Character HTML Entity Names

The following provides a list of the HTML entity names of all the ISO Latin-1 Characters. The term ISO Latin-1 refers to the characters defined by the ISO Standard ISO8859-1 Latin-1 characters codes. RFC 1866 recommends referencing special characters with a character entity name rather than the ISO Latin-1 code entity name. These character entity names are described in
Rendering Note
This document lists the ISO Latin-1 numeric entity name on a line by itself, then uses the ISO Latin-1 entity name as an example on the following line, followed by the common term for the character. If the ISO Latin-1 entity name appears duplicated on the example line, then your browser does not recognize the ISO Latin-1 entity and cannot render it as designed. If there is a character entity name which could be used instead of the ISO Latin-1 numeric entity name, that character entity name is also listed on the example line in square brackets. If the character entity name is duplicated inside the square brackets, then your browser does not recognize the character entity name.

� - 
(Horizontal tab)

(Line feed)

(Carriage Return)
! (Exclamation mark)
" (Quotation mark)
# (Number sign)
$ (Dollar sign)
% (Percent sign)
& (Ampersand)
' (Apostrophe)
( (Left parenthesis)
) (Right parenthesis)
* (Asterisk)
+ (Plus sign)
, (Comma)
- (Hyphen)
. (Period)
/ (Solidus - slash)
0 - 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Digits 0-9)
: (Colon)
; (Semi-colon)
< (Less than)
= (Equals sign)
> (Greater than)
? (Question mark)
@ (Commercial at)
&#65; - &#90;
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (Letters A-Z)
[ (Left square bracket)
\ (Reverse solidus - backslash)
] (Right square bracket)
^ (Caret)
_ (Horizontal bar - underbar)
` (Grave accent - back apostrophe)
&#97; - &#122;
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Letters a-z)
{ (Left curly brace)
| (Vertical bar)
} (Right curly brace)
~ (Tilde)
&#127; - &#159;
Values 128-159 are not assigned to displayable characters in the ISO8859-1 code and should not be used for displayable characters in HTML.
  (Non-breaking space) [&nbsp;  ]
¡ (Inverted exclamation) [&iexcl; ¡]
¢ (Cent sign) [&cent; ¢]
£ (Pound sterling) [&pound; £]
¤ (General currency sign) [&curren; ¤]
On some systems:
€ (Euro sign) [&euro; €]
¥ (Yen sign) [&yen; ¥]
¦ (Broken vertical bar) [&brvbar; ¦]
§ (Section sign) [&sect; §]
¨ (Umlaut - dieresis) [&uml; ¨]
© (Copyright) [&copy; ©]
ª (Feminine ordinal) [&ordf; ª]
« (Left angle quote, guillemotleft) [&laquo; «]
¬ (Not sign) [&not; ¬]
­ (Soft hyphen) [&shy; ­]
Many browsers do not properly handle this character. RFC 1866 recommends using the &shy; entity name instead of this ISO code.
® (Registered trademark) [&reg; ®]
¯ (Macron accent) [&macr; ¯]
° (Degree sign) [&deg; °]
± (Plus or minus) [&plusmn; ±]
² (Superscript two) [&sup2; ²]
³ (Superscript three) [&sup3; ³]
´ (Acute accent) [&acute; ´]
µ (Micro sign) [&micro; µ]
¶ (Paragraph sign) [&para; ¶]
· (Middle dot) [&middot; ·]
¸ (Cedilla) [&cedil; ¸]
¹ (Superscript one) [&sup1; ¹]
º (Masculine ordinal) [&ordm; º]
» (Right angle quote, guillemotright) [&raquo; »]
¼ (Fraction one-fourth) [&frac14; ¼]
½ (Fraction one-half) [&frac12; ½]
¾ (Fraction three-fourths) [&frac34; ¾]
¿ (Inverted question mark) [&iquest; ¿]
À (Capital A, grave accent) [&Agrave; À]
Á (Capital A, acute accent) [&Aacute; Á]
 (Capital A, circumflex accent) [&Acirc; Â]
à (Capital A, tilde) [&Atilde; Ã]
Ä (Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&Auml; Ä]
Å (Capital A, ring) [&Aring; Å]
Æ (Capital AE dipthong, ligature) [&AElig; Æ]
Ç (Capital C, cedilla) [&Ccedil; Ç]
È (Capital E, grave accent) [&Egrave; È]
É (Capital E, acute accent) [&Eacute; É]
Ê (Capital E, circumflex accent) [&Ecirc; Ê]
Ë (Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&Euml; Ë]
Ì (Capital I, grave accent) [&Igrave; Ì]
Í (Capital I, acute accent) [&Iacute; Í]
Î (Capital I, circumflex accent) [&Icirc; Î]
Ï (Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&Iuml; Ï]
Ð (Capital Eth, Icelandic) [&ETH; Ð]
Ñ (Capital N, tilde) [&Ntilde; Ñ]
Ò (Capital O, grave accent) [&Ograve; Ò]
Ó (Capital O, acute accent) [&Oacute; Ó]
Ô (Capital O, circumflex accent) [&Ocirc; Ô]
Õ (Capital O, tilde accent) [&Otilde; Õ]
Ö (Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&Ouml; Ö]
× (Multiply sign) [&times; ×]
Ø (Capital O, slash) [&Oslash; Ø]
Ù (Capital U, grave accent) [&Ugrave; Ù]
Ú (Capital U, acute accent) [&Uacute; Ú]
Û (Capital U, circumflex accent) [&Ucirc; Û]
Ü (Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&Uuml; Ü]
Ý (Capital Y, acute accent) [&Yacute; Ý]
Þ (Capital THORN, Icelandic) [&THORN; Þ]
ß (Small sharp s, German, sz ligature) [&szlig; ß]
à (Small a, grave accent) [&agrave; à]
á (Small a, acute accent) [&aacute; á]
â (Small a, circumflex accent) [&acirc; â]
ã (Small a, tilde accent) [&atilde; ã]
ä (Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&auml; ä]
å (Small a, ring) [&aring; å]
æ (Small ae dipthong, ligature) [&aelig; æ]
ç (Small c, cedilla) [&ccedil; ç]
è (Small e, grave accent) [&egrave; è]
é (Small e, acute accent) [&eacute; é]
ê (Small e, circumflex accent) [&ecirc; ê]
ë (Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&euml; ë]
ì (Small i, grave accent) [&igrave; ì]
í (Small i, acute accent) [&iacute; í]
î (Small i, circumflex accent) [&icirc; î]
ï (Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&iuml; ï]
ð (Small eth, Icelandic) [&eth; ð]
ñ (Small n, tilde) [&ntilde; ñ]
ò (Small o, grave accent) [&ograve; ò]
ó (Small o, acute accent) [&oacute; ó]
ô (Small o, circumflex accent) [&ocirc; ô]
õ (Small o, tilde) [&otilde; õ]
ö (Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&ouml; ö]
÷ (Division sign) [&divide; ÷]
ø (Small o, slash) [&oslash; ø]
ù (Small u, grave accent) [&ugrave; ù]
ú (Small u, acute accent) [&uacute; ú]
û (Small u, circumflex accent) [&ucirc; û]
ü (Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&uuml; ü]
ý (Small y, acute accent) [&yacute; ý]
þ (Small thorn, Icelandic) [&thorn; þ]
ÿ (Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark) [&yuml; ÿ]

Last modified: 8 November 1995

Michael J. Hannah
Sandia National Laboratories